Designez la favicon de Google

Vous l’avez sans doute remarqué, la favicon de Google a changé ! Mais ce que vous ignorez peut-être, c’est que le design choisi n’est pas final, comme en témoigne se post sur un blog officiel de la société (notez que Marissa Mayer n’a jusqu’à présent aucun lien avec la Fondation Erwin Mayer) :

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

6/06/2008 05:48:00 PM


You may have noticed that Google has a new favicon, the small icon you see in your browser next to the URL or in your bookmarks list. Some people have wondered why we changed our favicon — after all, we hadn’t in 8.5 years(!). The reason is that we wanted to develop a set of icons that would scale better to some new platforms like the iPhone and other mobile devices. So the new favicon is one of those, but we’ve also developed a group of logo-based icons that all hang together as a unified set. Here’s the full set:

The design process we went through was rigorous and interesting, so we thought we would share more of it here. We tried in total more than 300 permutations. It was much harder than we thought at first. We wanted something distinctive and noticeable, so we aimed toward transparency or semi-transparency, so the image would have a more distinctive noticeable shape than just a block. We wanted something that embraced the colorfulness of the logo, yet wouldn’t date itself. Since we don’t really have a symbol that means Google, we felt it best to work with the logo and letters within it. Our design team tried literally hundreds of approaches. You can see some of our explorations here.

By no means is the one you’re seeing our favicon final; it was a first step to a more
unified set of icons. However, we really value feedback from users and want to hear your ideas that we may have missed. If you have your own notions about the Google favicon, please send them to us. We’ll do our best to work them in, and maybe your idea will be the one that people see billions of times per day.

Il vous est donc possible de peut-être mettre à contribution vos talents d’artiste sur la grille 16×16 de paint, et d’inventer le Google de demain. Mais lisez bien les conditions avant !

La soumission se passe par ici. On ne peut que se réjouir de voir Google prendre au sérieux le design. Je trouve personnellement que c’est aujourd’hui leur principal point faible (la sobriété est très appréciable mais l’on aimerait parfois un peu plus de libertés). Il y a pire comme point faible cependant ! Je ne citerai pas encore des entreprises dont je suis client et qui ne savent pas coder dignement en Javascript ; celles-là méritent de loin un plus cruel châtiment !

Petit relifting

Travailler sur une CSS devient vite un calvaire pour un perfectionniste comme moi… margin-top par-ci, padding-bottom par-là, il manque toujours un pixel quelque part ! Quand ce n’est pas Firefox (ou IE) qui fait des siennes.

J’espère que les petites modifications rendront la lecture plus agréable.